Trust in Businesses is on the rise – Maala-GlobeScan 2020


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GlobeScan’s annual survey in Israel measured public expectations and trust in businesses during the Covid-19 crisis.

Regarding the most pressing issues in Israel, the survey showed that socio-economic issues are the leading concern, as well as societal rifts. It is well worth noting that the most dominant issue since the survey began in 2014 – security and safety – dropped significantly in 2020 and is considered with far lower importance.  In addition, as in previous years, the survey showed that environmental issues are not considered on of the top priorities on the Israeli public agenda.

In terms of Trust, the trust in Israeli businesses went up across all sectors, while the trust in the government and the media plummeted in comparison to last year.

Covid has had an impact on most business sectors. Some notable examples are the rising interest in the further development of quality of life and of security products and services by the high-tech sector. The impact on the pharmaceutical sector was massive in comparison to previous years – while R&D in pharma went down in its importance, the need for immediate solutions for Covid-19 rose to the top. For the retail sector, the rising concerns are around customer services, shopping experience, and quality and freshness of products.

The effect of Covid on corporate philanthropy were also notable – in 2020 the public expects companies to aid those in need, while in previous years the main issues were around creating a better society in Israel.


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