innovation for good life

4-5 december, 2019

Hangar 11, Tel Aviv

The 4th Maala international con(fair)ence, December 4-5, 2019, will gather hundreds of leaders, practitioners, and entrepreneurs in Tel Aviv. The 2019 conference will focus on leveraging business impact to address social issues and inequality, releasing a new publication on ‘Business Impact on Inclusive Growth.’



8oo guests and speakers from around the world; multiple tracks inviting professionals to take part in the conversation – all in one open space

photo gallery >



A glance at the program of the second day: Immersive on-site learning about leading Israeli companies’ social and sustainable innovation

2019 tours >



In-depth articles and insight, videos, podcasts, interviews, reports and the latest news from the Israeli CSR community

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Leaving No One Behind: Israeli Business and Inclusive Growth


The Maala Conference is uniquely designed as a gathering of professional ‘communities’, each advancing sustainability values & priorities in global and Israeli businesses. The conference features short presentations, ‘fire-chats‘, and multiple dialogue sessions.


Maala conference speakers include Isreali and international business leaders, opinion leaders, and sustainability, CSR & responsible business professionals, representing a wealth of experience, knowledge and creative ideas for business impact on inclusive growth.

Maala international conference 2019 - field tours


The second day of the conference offers an experience of social and sustainable innovation in action around Israel. Participants are invited to join field tours with site visits to a range of Israeli companies, for first-hand learning and insights into their pioneering practices.

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Leaving No One Behind: Israeli Business and Inclusive Growth