Maala ESG Index 2024 – Criteria
The Maala ESG Index 2024 presents an updated set of metrics & criteria, that was approved by the independent committee of the index in a rigorous process that included stakeholder dialogue and a public hearing for comments.
The updated index highlights more accurately the unique challenges of each business industry, both in measurement and scoring, and reflects the current standard and expectations from companies in ESG.
Sector A – heavy industry, chemicals, mining, construction, pharmaceuticals, energy, food & beverages, textiles and more.
Sector B – marketing and distribution, retail, telecommunications, medical services, hospitality, hardware companies, real estate and more.
Sector C – services, software companies, financials, banks, law firms, consulting, credit card companies and more.
Among the main topics that have been updated:
Environment and sustainability: deepening the materiality assessment and highlighting the importance of long-term goals; featuring a dedicated chapter for the financial sector with an emphasis on ESG considerations in investment management and credit provision.
Diversity and gender: strengthening industry benchmarks and increased emphasis on diversity in management levels.
ESG Reporting: Increasing the score on public disclosure of ESG performance. Criteria for multinational companies: publication of an extract of the global ESG report with a focus on the operations in Israel.
About the Maala ESG Index:
The Maala ESG Index serves as a tool for measurement and management of ESG in businesses. It consists of a very elaborate questionnaire with over 200 criteria arranged in 10 chapters (environmental sustainability, corporate governance, organizational ethics & core values, management & reporting, responsible procurement, diversity & inclusion, community contribution, employee volunteering, employees’ well-being & work-life balance). The criteria are set and updated by an independent committee. Participation is voluntary, based on self-reporting and requires CEO confirmation of the data reported.
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) offers a family of ESG indices (launched in 2005) consisted of publicly listed companies that are rated on the Maala ESG Index. The TA-Maala index represents around 40% of the total market cap of the TASE.
How can the rating questionnaire be used by my company?
– The questionnaire enables mapping and reflection of the areas of corporate responsibility in the company and leads to raising awareness and initiating important and significant work processes (in the areas indicated in the previous paragraph)
– Consistent and orderly management of corporate responsibility issues indicates overall high-quality management of the business and is useful for improving processes, employee satisfaction and effective risk management, etc.
– The participating companies will receive recognition and appreciation as part of the annual event of revealing a high ranking with the participation of the senior officials of the economy, the corporate responsibility community, government, civil society bodies and more.
– Each company that joins the ranking will receive a performance analysis that will help them define issues and goals for treatment