innovation for good life

December 4th, 2019


The first day of the conference will feature lectures and presentation on the main stage with live interactive engagement, open and candid discussions in breakout sessions and unique opportunities for networking with speakers and conference participants.

1st day December 4th, 2019

The conference is designed as a work space for connecting, engaging, learning, and sharing between various professionals and sectors who aspire to increase their social impact. It is a place where you can discuss your ideas, initiatives and models in a range of fields taking

sustainability forward. The conference is structured into several tracks inviting professionals from HR, marketing, finance, digital, procurement, environment, EHS and R&D – to learn and discuss how sustainability and innovation are embedded in their work.

exhibition and networking


opening session

main stage


Leaving No One Behind: Israeli Business Impact on Inclusive Growth

  • Fire-chats and one-on-ones setting the tone for the following working sessions
  • Launching of publication by Maala and Prof. David Grayson: Leaving No One Behind

Momo Mahadav, CEO at Maala


Micky Adiv, CEO at G1 and Chairperson at Maala

Roger Crockett, VP Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion at Western Digital

Prof. David Grayson, Author and Professor Emeritus at Cranfield School of Management

Einav Aharoni-Yonas, CEO, JDC Israel-Tevet

Ulrika Hasselgren, Global Head of Sustainability & Impact Investment, Danske Bank

Celebrating the 2019 Israeli Diversity Award

The Dov Lautmann Diversity Award is awarded annually to companies excelling in workforce diversity in different categories. The winners of the 2019 awards are Western Digital, Nistec and Bank Hapoalim.

sessions by professional tracks


Yes, It’s Our Business!



The last decade has left the business sector in an unknown world. Trust in governments, organizations and the media has consistently declined while expectations from businesses keep increasing. People expect businesses to promote positive impact and to be proactive in solving significant problems. Businesses understand that every brand needs a purpose, and that understanding accelerates companies to change their business model, their operational structure and their strategy.

This forum will focus on the relation between trust and growth, providing insight into examples of significant changes that companies undergo. The forum with professionals will discuss why every brand requires purpose and changes in the brands’ perception today.


Marketing; Brand Managers; Communications; CSR

Co-host: Israel Marketing Association


Osnat Golan, VP Communications & Sustainability, Strauss Group


Noa Shumovitch, VP marketing brand & IMC, Teva Pharmaceuticals

Galit Polak, Marcom Manager, Bank Hapoalim

Talma Biro, CEO, Israel Marketing Association

Yossi Lubaton, Chariman and CEO, Publicis Groupe Israel

ESG and Responsible Investment Forum

Finance & IR


The forum will focus on two primary issues:

  • Investor expectations from companies related to ESG and how the Israeli market, which is still far behind the global arena, can develop accordingly.
  • This year’s focus on business impact on inclusive growth raises the question of how to strengthen the weight of social aspects- the S in ESG investment, which is generally less of a focus compared to environmental (E) and corporate governance (G) aspects.


IR; investors; analysts; financiers; and more.


Keren Mazor, Head of Investor Relations, Bank Hapoalim

Noga Levtzion Nadan, CEO, GreeneyeValue^2


Ulrika Hasselgren, Global Head of Sustainability & Impact Investment, Danske Bank

Heather Lang, Executive Director, Sustainable Finance Solutions, Sustainalytics

Sam Block, Research Analyst – Investment ESG Risk, MSCI

Daniella Finn, Head of Investor Relations, Strauss Group

Ilan Gildin, Director of Research Development and Strategic Economic Development, Israel Securities Authority

Giulia Baconcini, Client Services Manager, Vigeo Eiris 

Safety in Industry & Construction

Safety in Industry and Construction


Launching a new initiative to use a voluntary approach to increase safety efforts of industry and construction companies. One of the projected outcomes of the initiative will be a new chapter on safety in the Maala CSR Index. The initiative is in collaboration with the national social security Manof fund.


Safety professionals; Industrial and construction managers; EHS managers; and more.




Micky Adiv, CEO, G1

Nissim Peretz, CEO, Netivei Israel (Israel Highways)

Dr. Guy Hochman, Head of the Behavioral Economics program, IDC Herzliya

Yuval Amitai, VP EHS, ICL

Amir Levy, Safety & Occupational Health Manager, Noble Energy

Moshe Ben Aryeh, Engineer, Y.H Dimri

Ofer Asi, Safety Manager, Y.H. Dimri

Izhak Paz, CEO, SafeGuard

Udi Melamed, EHS Manager, Strauss Group

Ofir Aviv, Light Rail Site-Manager, Solel-Bone

Adv. Itzik Sabato, Director of the National Insurance Fund, National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi)

Evaluating Businesses’ Impact on the economy and Society

CSR & Social Impact


The concept of social impact deeply examines an organization’s influence through environmental, social, and economic aspects, and helps to understand the value it creates as part of its business operation.

Accordingly, various methods have been developed to measure impact.

While corporate responsibility reports focus largely on reporting, evaluating and formulating indicators, the evaluation of impact reflects profits and contributions to stakeholders, similar, in a way, to how financial reports evaluate profits for shareholders.

The discussion will focus on the following points:

  • Various methodologies to examine organizational impact metrics – how to measure an organization’s contribution to all stakeholders.
  • Defining priorities and focusing on areas that will increase positive impact.
  • The ways in which social impact and/or its measurement help extend the dialogue with stakeholders and increase trust.


CSR managers; Sustainability; Community Relations


Chen Herzog, Chief Economist & Partner, BDO Israel


Alex Brill, CEO, Matrix Global Advisors

Amir Foster, Executive Director, The Association of Oil and Gas Exploration Industries in Israel

Gidi Kroch, CEO, Leket Israel

Amalia Adler-Waxman, VP Social Impact & Responsibility, Teva Pharmaceuticals

Belonging: the next Step in Diversity

Diversity & Inclusion

Co-host: Israel Forum for Diversity 


The discussion will focus on the issue of belonging, a recent addition to diversity, inclusion and equity. Is this a key to unlocking the next level in diversity in Israel?

The discussion will include mid-level managers from companies leading in diversity on how to scale up to create a sense of belonging.


HR professionals; Diversity managers; Social Welfare; CSR; and more.


Noa Tron, CEO, Israel Diversity Forum


Ofer Keren, EVP Human Resources and Organization, Israel Electric Corporation

Jackie Albano, Director, External Affairs, CECP

Yair Cohen, Deputy Division Director of Logistics and Assets, Israel Electric Corporation

Jumana Nsier Hakim, Project North Manager & Nazareth site Manager, Microsoft Israel

Gili Ben Shaul, Back-end Operations Manager, Mizrahi Tefahot Bank

Noa Weizman Levi, Head of Division for Planning and SCP Coordination, Tnuva

Fadi Zoabi, Procurement Planning Manager, Division for Planning and SCP Coordination, Tnuva

Reducing Plastic Waste and Consumer Behavior



Reducing use of plastics is, today, high on the agenda of food manufacturers and consumer good companies, as well as in wide public discourse for various environmental reasons.

Many companies are improving their production and recycling habits and are testing additional methods to motivate the Israeli consumer, whose awareness and involvement is far less than in leading countries on this issue.

Companies are searching for ways to influence consumer behavior, as it is a key for significant change.

We believe that in order to create change in public awareness, it is important to foster initiatives and cooperation between players in the field, alongside company efforts to raise public awareness.

This discussion will connect leading food manufacturers and consumer goods companies with environmental organizations to examine what is being done today, and how to scale up efforts on public cooperation to reduce plastic waste in Israel, through new collaborative initiatives.


Environmental managers; Product managers; Packaging; Public Affairs; CSR; and more.




Liat Lavee, Communication, External Affairs & Sustainable Business Development Manager, Unilever Israel

Tali Gvirzer, Environmental Specialist, Osem-Nestle Israel

Amit Ron, Head of Packaging Development, Osem-Nestle Israel

Tahel Dimri, Active Citizenship Lab in Netivot

Eden Zigelman, Active Citizenship Lab in Netivot

Ilan Lahav, Director, Manufacturing Technology Development, Netafim

Amiad Lapidot, Waste scientist and sustainability coordinator, Israel Union for Environmental Defense (Adam, Teva V’din)

Maya Jacobs, Executive Director, Zalul

Noa Shpitzer-Mizrachi, Director of EPR Division, Israeli Ministy of Environmental Protection

Yael Ilmer Giron, Executive Assistant, The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel

Snir Yagil, Packaging Procurement Manager, Unilever Israel

Shelly Meltser, CMO, Tamir – Packaging Recovery Organization of Israel

Getting to Work: Solutions for Reducing Use of Private Vehicles

Supply Chain, HR & Welfare, Environment


The Ministry of Transportation and Ayalon Highways are launching a joint initiative aiming to recruit big employers in the Israeli market for a wide scale process to reduce the use of private vehicles to get to work and to create alternative solutions.

Recently, we have been witnessing immense growth of private vehicles used on the road. This increase has caused great damage to the market, valued at 35 billion NIS per year – affecting quality of life, increasing burnout rates, wasting time and resources, air pollution, and more.

The discussion at the conference will present the initiative and discuss the issue with employers, municipalities, and transportation professionals, in order to identify the next steps for action, as well as recruit more employers to participate in the initiative.


HR managers; Operational and Logistics managers; Environmental managers; CSR; and more.




Reut Borochov, PPP Projects Manager, Ayalon Highways

Sharon Elmosnino, General Manager Petach Tikva Development Center, Intel Israel 

Ronit Ronen-Karpol, Head of HR and Site Deputy, Western Digital Israel

Gil David, Director, CFO, Western Digital Israel

Yair Barzilay, Sales Manager, We.Ride

Zach Teplitzki, Environmental Protection and Sustainability Program Manager, Applied Materials

Ivri Verbin, CEO, GoodVision (Fahn-Kanne Group)

Technology, Data and Corporate Social Responsibility

Digital & IT


What are the new opportunities arising as a result of technological development and AI? Could they enable businesses to increase their social impact? What are the ethical, social and business challenges in that regard?


Digital and IT; CDO; CTO; Strategy; Innovation & Development; CSR; and more.


Amit Kama, CEO & Founder, Kamedia Technology ServicesCDO Club IL

Shirley Kantor, Corporate Responsibility & Social Marketing Expert


Anat Katz-Arotchas, CEO, Standpoint

Shay Guttman, VP Digital, Innovation & Technology, UPS Israel

Elah Alkalay, VP Business Development, IBI Investment House

Adi Crystal, Head of Marketing – Productivity & Security Products, Microsoft Israel

Human Capital and Productivity

HR, Social Mobility, Employment, Productivity, CSR


A roundtable discussion between tech companies, retail, industry and government about future skills, learning and job insecurity.

The discussion will focus on innovative initiatives and ways to increase productivity, in a way that will contribute to inclusive growth and will create new opportunities for workers.

Co-Host: JDC Israel-Tevet


Einav Aharoni-Yonas, CEO, JDC Israel-Tevet

Suzan Hasan, Director, Employment Programs for Arabs and Career Advancement, JDC Israel-Tevet


Mati Gill, Head of Government Affairs, Corporate & International Markets, Teva Pharmaceuticals

Tomas Sercovich, CEO, BITC Ireland

Mariana Waksman, Head of Academic and Education Relations, Intel Israel

Roni Shnitzer, Head of the Department of Strategy and Policy Planning, Ministry of Labor

Nivras Taha, VP HR, King Store (Almashhadawi Group)

Gal Koll, Head of TechFactory program, Elevation

Shimon Shmueli, Head of Government Affairs & Public Policy, Google Israel

Moti Lezarovitz, CIO/CTO, Isralaser

Shuly Wandam, VP HR, Reshet 13

happy hour


The 2nd day of the conference, Thursday, December 5th, will be comprised of a variety of field tours.