innovation for good life

November 29, 2017


The first day of the conference will feature lectures and presentation on the main stage, open and candid discussions in breakout sessions and unique opportunities for networking with speakers and conference participants.

1st day november 29th, 2017

The conference brings together senior representatives of Israeli and international companies and key opinion leaders from the international professional community, Israel’s business community, ESG analysts and more. The conference is

structured into several tracks inviting professionals from HR, marketing, finance, procurement, environment and R&D – to learn and discuss how sustainability and innovation is embedded in their work.

exhibition and networking


opening session |

main stage


9:00-9:45 | A Vision for Israeli CSR Leadership

Host: Momo Mahadav, CEO, Maala

Micky Adiv | Chairman, Maala; CEO, G1 (formerly G4S Israel)

MK Gilad Erdan | Israel’s Minister of Public Security and Strategic Affairs

Ittai Ben Zeev | CEO, Tel Aviv Stock Exchange – TASE

9:45-9:55 | TASE Opening Bell Ceremony

Honoring CEOs of companies listed on the Maala Index for Corporate Responsibility

9:55-11:00 | Showcasing Innovation for Good Life

Host: Jo Confino | Executive Editor, Impact and Innovation, The Huffington Post

Virginie Helias | Vice President for Global Sustainability, P G

Prof. Eyal Shimoni | CTO, Strauss Group

Michel van der Bel | Corporate Vice-President of EMEA, Microsoft

Sajsa Besilik | Head of Group Sustainable Finance, Nordea Bank

Avinoam Sapir | SVP, Growth Markets Innovation Cluster Manager – Israel, Africa, Turkey Ukraine, Teva

session by professional tracks



11:15-12:45 | The Innovative Business of Social Offering

Flash Talk 


Innovation and biz dev managers; innovation communities, accelerators, hubs (incl. social hubs).


This session will address business innovation in a manner that amplifies active involvement with the customer, addressing both the need for business development and a response to social trends, such as quality of life, health, sensible consumerism etc.

This type of perceptional innovation is challenging for numerous aspects in a company’s operations and conduct, sometimes to the point of contesting the very business category in which the company operates.


Jo Confino, Executive Editor, Impact & Innovation and Editorial Director, What’s Working, Huffington Post.


Orry Ben-Porath, VP Sustainability, Marketing, Innovation, Shikun & Binui Group; Adi Regev, Customer Development Director, Unilever Israel; Henry Chen Weinstein, CEO, Cockpit Innovation by EL AL; Ilanit Kabessa Cohen, Head of Corporate Innovation, Startups & Digital Business Unit at Nestle Israel, Osem Group.

hr & welfare

11:15-12:45 | Closing the Digital Gap for all Employees


Co-hosted with Tevet JDC-Israel’s Employment Initiative and the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services


HR & CSR; technological education and training institutions; social mobility and employment professionals.


Increased technologization of production and work processes impacts employees, particularly those in lower wage levels in industrial sectors, who are lacking the skills required for the changing work environment.

The session will include a presentation of predicted changes in the future world of work and their impacts on the Israeli labor market, followed by a roundtable discussion focusing on digital literacy education of employees in industrial and manufacturing companies, and in the Israeli economy in general. Several initiatives by both government and businesses address this issue.


Dr. Sigal Shelach, Deputy CEO JDC Israel, CEO of JDC Israel-Tevet; Anat Gabriel, CEO, Unilever Israel; Michal Tzuk, Director of Employment Regulations, Ministry of Economy.

Roundtable – Closing the Digital Gap for all Employees


Shai-lee Spigelman, CEO Digital Israel National Bureau, Ministry for Social Equality; ; Daniella Jawno, Program Manager Employment, JDC Israel-Tevet; Ina Soltanovich-David, Project Manager, JDC Israel-Tevet; Danielle Shany, Human Resources Director, Unilever Israel; Tillia Toren, Head of Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Communications, Partner Communications Company Ltd; Maya Alter, Israel IL – Project Manager, Bank Leumi; Orly Friedman Marton, Head of Legal & Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Israel; Gil Zioni, Instructional Designer, Bezeq International; Dafna Gaber Lifshitz, CEO, Appleseeds Academy; Datia Barsheshet, Professional Director, Be-Atzmi

13:00-14:15 | 2035: Longevity meets the Future Labor Market

Flash Talks


By the year 2035, the number of people past retirement age is expected to double and reach some 1.6 million people in Israel. The aging of the population and the increase in life expectancy have substantial implications for business organizations. This session addresses the challenges of the future labor market and the preparedness of business companies to these changes; with emphasis on older employees, preparation for retirement, ageism in recruitment, employment post-retirement, the advantages embodies in employing older employees and so forth.

Additionally, models from companies around the world will be presented, concerning the employment of older people and changing conventional retirement models.


Michal Dan-Harel, Managing Director, Manpower Israel


Jenny Lincolen, Research and Policy Manager at Business in the Community; Yossi Heymann, Executive Director, JDC Israel-Eshel; Dr. Zvi Lanir,Founder & President Praxis Reframing Strategies; Brachi Delitzki, Superior Division Head, Senior Citizens Ministry for Social Equality; Rivi Beller, Director Vehadarta Center.

marketing & sales

11:15-12:45 | Content meets Values meets Branding


Co-hosted with the Israel Marketing Association


Marketing, advertising & PR; biz dev and CSR; CSO campaigners.


The yearning of consumers for quality of life and a better world is addressed by rallying content, values and branding together into campaigns promoting social perceptions. A surge of company heads publically identifying with social issues has been apparent In the USA, as companies lead and support “values based agendas”.

The session will present campaigns by companies such as P&G, Bank HaPoalim and others, demonstrating innovative processes that have been developing in this context.


Shirley Kantor, Marketing for good


Virginie Helias, VP, Global Sustainability, P&G; Ophir Guttman, Country Manager, P&G Israel; Talma Biro, CEO, Israel Marketing Association; Shelly keinan, VP Marketing, Coca Cola Israel.

13:00-14:15 | Redefining the Balance of Power between Customer and Business


Co-hosted with the Israeli Marketing Association


Customers facing large service-providing businesses are traditionally perceived as helpless, much like the quote about a banker lending you his umbrella when it’s sunny, wanting it back when it rains. However, service models developing in Israel view the customer as a long term partner of the company, with whom an open, trusting relationship is built and reciprocated, in good times and bad. In this session, several companies will showcase new and surprising paradigms that challenge traditional models.


Zvi Baida, Chief Customer Officer, Shufersal


Yaniv Shirazi, General Manager, Strauss Water Israel; Dana Jagerman, Head of Retail Credit Management, Bank Hapoalim;   Dr. Renana PeresMarketing Department School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University.

finance & ir

11:15-12:30 | How can Israeli Market Leaders Attract Sustainable Investors?



Financial officers; investor relations, marketing and communications and CSR managers in public companies; representatives of companies with a unique value proposition in sustainability issues.


Despite the prominence of the Israeli market with regard to innovation and creativity, Israeli companies are still absent from global ESG ratings, and do not benefit from a reputation of sectoral leaders when it comes to sustainability issues.

This session will be held as a roundtable, in which investors from banks and investment houses that use criteria of ESG leadership in their selection of companies for investment, will present how companies in various business sectors can stand out in this field. An open discussion will be held around the table with representatives of leading Israeli companies and Israeli investment bodies.


Yael Almog, Head of Stakeholders Engagement Division, Bank Hapoalim.


Sasja Besilik, Head of Group Sustainable Finance , Nordea bank; Anette Andersson, Portfolio Manager & ESG Investment Specialist, Investment Management SEB Wealth Management; Ulrika Hasselgren, Global Head of Responsible Investment Strategy and ESG Integration , ISS; Shai Ingber, Assistant General Counsel, Opic Bank

12:45-14:00 | Living Upto ESG Expectations – A Dialogue between Analysts and Israeli Companies



Financial officers, investment relations and CSR managers in public companies; anyone seeking to understand advanced CSR standards.


Globally, one fifth of investments are currently conducted under environmental, social, and ethical (governance) (ESG) parameters. A growing number of Israeli public companies are also scrutinized according to such parameters by international investors and analysts.

This sessions will be held as a roundtable, in which analysts from research and ESG financial rating firms will present the expectations and criteria according to which companies are evaluated. An open discussion will be held with representatives of leading Israeli companies, regulators, investment firms and the Israeli capital market. Issues unique to the Israeli economy, in the perception of foreign investors, will be particularly emphasized.


Philippe Sitbon, Head of Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility, BDO Consulting


Ulrika Hasselgren, Global Head of Responsible Investment Strategy and ESG Integration, ISS; Marie-Bénédicte Beaudoin, Manager Client Relations OEKOM; Sam Block, ESG Research, MSC; Dror Elkayam, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Group Bloomberg; Antonio Celeste, Director Institutional Relations, Sustainalytics; Cristina Daverio, Research Manager – Financials sector, VigeoEiris Group;Joseph Akerman,Head of  Israel’s Responsible Business Conduct Unit, Ministry of Economy and Industry; Noga Levtzion, CEO & Founder, Greeneye


13:00-14:00 | Promoting Responsible Procurement



Procurement, operations and supply chain managers; legal and regulation officers.


The procurement budgets of large Israeli companies add up to some NIS 250 billion annually. Globally, as well as within Israel, a substantial rate of procurement is made from small to medium businesses, indicating it has potential for social impact.

This session will present the gradual transition that many of the business procurement systems in Israel are currently undergoing, when along with attaining maximal business value, positive activities and plans aiming to encourage long term trust with suppliers are emphasized.


Shlomi Tsarfati, Head of Procurement Division, IEC – Israel Electric Corporation


Udi Rosenbaum, head of procurement department Bank Leumi; Kiram Baloum, Founder & CEO, Jasmine; Eran Ziv, Director, East Mediterranean Supply Chain, Noble Energy; Einat Avraham Rotlevy, professional development manager, Tzionut 2000

critical friends – roundtable

12:15-13:45 | Could Natural Gas Drive Sustainable Transportation in Israel?


Co-hosted with Adam Teva V’Din (Man, Nature and Law) and the Association of Oil and Gas Exploration Industries in Israel.


Government ministries, local authorities, companies operating heavy fleets, public transportation operators, environmental organizations, social organizations, gas exploration companies and gas stations and others.


The potential use of natural gas in heavy vehicle fleets and public transportation has environmental value by mitigating air pollution; financial value by lowering prices and reducing the cost of living; and economic value for the local market by increasing the domestic demand for Israeli natural gas. Broad partnerships and agreement are required to support the changes needed in regulation, fleet operation and infrastructure, as well as public mobilization.

This roundtable discussion will bring together the essential partners for the advancement of such a transition, aiming to hone down common objectives and set milestones for progress in the upcoming months.


Amit Bracha, Executive Director, Adam Teva V’Din; Nadav Perry, Manager of Communications & External Relations, Delek Drilling.


Amir Foster, Association of Oil & Gas Exploration Industries; Bracha Halaf, Ministry of Energy; Idan Abudi, Ministry of Transport; Daniel Zucker, Prime Minister’s Office; Gershon Grossman, Samuel Neaman Institute – Technion; Dr. Arye Vanger, IUED – Israel Union for Environmental Defense; Alon Nenvil, The central company for sales & distribution (The Coca cola group); Dr. Miriam Lev-On, Samuel Neaman Institute – Technion; Lee Rabin, Mediterranean Car Agency; Moshe Shpitzer, Negev Natural Gas; Tamir Raz, GAS-MOBILE


11:15-12:15 | Smarter Partnerships between Cities, Businesses and Communities



CSR managers; strategy units in local authorities; urban innovation entrepreneurs; Intel urban partners; Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services.


The session focuses on partnerships between businesses, local authorities, community organizations and entrepreneurs promoting urban quality of life as a developmental stage: shifting from supporting and working with social organizations that focus on a particular population group, to addressing the strategic needs of the local population. The discussion will explore the role of the CSR manager as a mobilizer of both resources and urban partners, connecting with various social change agents and promoting community trust building. New types of partnerships and the trend for placemaking will be further explored.

The four presenters in the session include two employers, exemplifying a new category of company involvement in the community; a new type of philanthropist, working with the community and with cities, cutting out the mediation of social organizations; and a speaker presenting work undertaken to generate a new urban experience from the point of view of the local authority and its residents.


Daniela Prusky-Sion, Global Director, Internal Communications and Sustainability, Strauss group


Kimberly Kleiman-Lee, Culture and Leadership Learning and Development, General Electric; Revital Bitan, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Intel Israel;  Erez Kama, Community and Environmental Relations Director, ICL

14:00-14:45 | Introduction to Integrated Reporting



This practical workshop will be an introduction to the subject of integrated reporting, a new and advanced trend in the field of sustainability reporting.

Sarah Grey, from the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), will introduce tools for the assimilation of integrated reporting in Israeli companies, signifying a step forward in the linkage between the core business and financial reports and a company’s social environmental performance. Integrated reporting improves the relationship between the company and its investors, provides greater insights regarding the business model, strategy and vision of the organization, and develops the ability of investors to understand the share performance of the firm and capital flows to and from the organization.

Co-hosted with GoodVision Fahn Kanne Grant Thornton Israel


Ivri Verbin, CEO, GoodVision Fahn Kanne Grant Thornton Israel; Sarah Grey, Markets Director, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)


13:00-14:15 | The Role of IT Solutions in Meeting Sustainability and Environmental Challenges



EHS managers; environment managers; safety officers; operations and logistics managers.


With the development of the professional field of sustainability and corporate social responsibility, most organizations are currently required to periodically and repeatedly manage and report on extensive information concerning the environment, safety, employment, community involvement and many additional issues in the company. The size of an organization correlates with the extent of numerous different reporting frameworks it is committed to, which include legally required reporting, such as the PRTR and the packaging Law; voluntary reporting (beyond-compliance) such as CSR reporting, CDP and Maala; and internal reports for purposes of monitoring and management. The multiplicity of reporting frameworks burdens the organizations and creates replications, superfluous work and the risk of reporting contradictory information.

This session will discuss the role of designated information systems helping to address this problem – systems that simplify processes of gathering, management and reporting of data and provide advanced tools for analysis and monitoring – and will include an introductory presentation of two such systems.


Nava Sela, Head of Sustainability & Environmental Organization IAI


Jurgen Stichling, Vice President Mobility, Energy & Chemicals Thinkstep AG; Roy Weidberg, Carbon Footprint and Sustainability Coordinator ICL Group; Noam Gressel, Founder & CEO, Assif Strategies

the 2017 dov lautmann diversity award ceremony


More info

MK Gila Gamliel | Israel’s Minister for Social Equality

Noam Lautman | Chairman The Lautman Fund, Chairman Delta Galil

happy hour


The second day of the conference, Thursday, November 30, will be comprised of a variety of field tours.