Corporate Social Responsibility in the Start-up Nation

Socially Responsible Investment in Israel: Review of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Start-up Nation

This report, prepared by Maala, provides a summary of the state of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Socially Responsible Investments (SRI) in Israel. The report was commissioned by ARISE (Alliance to Reinforce Israel’s Security and Economy), in partnership with the International Christian Chambers of Commerce.

The report describes and highlights Israeli CSR in relation to developing global standards, noting its unique local character, innovations, and areas of excellence. Supported by examples and case studies, it outlines values, circumstances, and challenges that have influenced the evolution of CSR in Israel, and focuses on emerging trends that will shape the field moving forward.

The report was launched in November 2018 at the ARISE Business Matchmaking Summit. A revised edition of the report was published in December 2019.


To view the full report click here

corporate social responsibility in the start up nation